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Unblock Orkut,YouTube,MySpace etc...

Is Orkut, Gmail, Yahoo, MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, YouTube, Friendster and many other sites sites blocked at your school,college,office.....

Then here is a perfect solution for unblocking all your needs....

All you have to do is to enter the site that was blocked in the space provided over the Surf box present over there....

Thats it the site gets opened in a flash....

or here is a direct link from a proxy site....

In the course of time if these dont work then try using some web based proxy servers....I have mentioned a couple of proxies in this post.


Anonymous said...

this thing is not working yaar

plz give a tutorial how 2 make it work
and we can't find that box and the site link also
how 2 use it
plz tell

cause its a very nice topic friend

i appreciate all ur posts

Avinash Varma said...

Soory I fogot to give a link to the site....

Thanks dear friend for your notification....

I have updated the post....

If you still find any problem dont hesitate to ask me....

Thank you.....

Anonymous said...


This cheap trick will work out but...this is ridiculous. Do you have any knowledge about n/w administration? Administrator can easily notify which sites you visited through internet from that ISP and IP address. So people lost their jobs and admissions from college for visiting unauthorized sites and for silly things. If you have any questions read discussions threads by searching through Google. Pls guys don’t use this trick at your work place and don’t spoil your bright future

Avinash Varma said...

Hmmm.....even your argument is worth considering....

But the post is only under the scope of accesing the site even it was blocked.

Even I know better about the N/W admin,logs etc....

But thats all under the users risk...

Mind you this isnt a cheap was followed by many to access site blocked by the ISP....

Thanks for your comments...

Anonymous said...


If you felt my comment is worth considering then please never post such a silly tricks. Think twice before posting.User never think...but author can think... And don't put quote "User risk" then that shows to Users that the author is not confident at his think about it. If anyone violating rules by finding holes...we usually call them cheap tricker. What hole he uses to violate that rule we call it cheap trick. I know my comment will upset you but it is fact.